
 Name: PikaBot

Category: Malware

Type: Botnet

Primary Function: PikaBot is a modular malware with a loader and a core component, primarily functioning as a malicious backdoor. It is capable of executing arbitrary commands, injecting payloads, and distributing other malware like Cobalt Strike, based on instructions from a command-and-control server.

Infection Method: The exact infection method of PikaBot is not detailed in the source, but it typically involves phishing, exploiting software vulnerabilities, or malicious attachments.

Target Platform: PikaBot seems to be targeting Windows platforms, as indicated by its use of Windows-specific APIs and system checks.

Signature Features:

  • Remote Control and Injection: Executes commands and injects payloads from a C&C server.
  • Anti-Analysis Techniques: Implements various methods to thwart automated analysis, including debugger detection and system checks.
  • Obfuscation: Uses ADVobfuscator for string obfuscation.
  • Persistence Mechanisms: Establishes persistence on compromised hosts through registry manipulation and script execution.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Implement strong antivirus and anti-malware solutions with up-to-date definitions.
  • Conduct regular system audits for unusual activities or unauthorized changes.
  • Educate users on cyber hygiene practices, especially regarding email and web security.
  • Keep systems and applications updated to patch potential security vulnerabilities.

Potential Impact: PikaBot's capabilities suggest it can be used for a range of malicious purposes, from data exfiltration to facilitating further malware infections, potentially leading to significant data breaches or operational disruptions.

Based on the technical analysis of PikaBot, the associated MITRE ATT&CK techniques with their respective technique numbers are:

  1. Execution (T1059): Executes arbitrary commands and injects payloads from a command-and-control server.
  2. Defense Evasion (T1562.001): Uses anti-analysis techniques, such as checking for debuggers and system language.
  3. Persistence (T1547.001): Adds persistence by manipulating registry keys.
  4. Command and Control (T1071.001): Communicates with command-and-control servers using encrypted data and HTTPS POST requests.
  5. Collection (T1082, T1057): Gathers system information, including network details and user/group data.
  6. Execution and Command and Control (T1106): Requests and executes tasks from the server, including keep-alive messages.
