Rebound Hermit (Ricochet Chollima)

Name: Rebound Hermit (Ricochet Chollima)

Origin: Believed to be associated with North Korean cyber operations.

First Identified: The precise date of initial identification is not specified, but Rebound Hermit has been active in recent years, demonstrating evolving tactics and objectives.

Primary Targets:

  • Rebound Hermit primarily focuses on entities that have political, economic, or strategic importance, aligning with the interests of the North Korean government.
  • Known to target organizations in South Korea, Japan, and potentially other regions that are of geopolitical significance to the DPRK.

Infection Method:

  • Utilizes phishing emails with deceptive content and malicious attachments or links.
  • Employs social engineering techniques to manipulate targets into compromising their own security.
  • May use compromised websites or fake online profiles to deliver malware.

Primary Function:

  • Engages in espionage activities, focusing on collecting sensitive political and strategic intelligence.
  • Potentially involved in sabotage operations or disruption of critical infrastructure.

Evasion Techniques:

  • Employs advanced encryption and obfuscation to conceal its activities and evade detection.
  • Uses fileless malware techniques to operate directly in memory, leaving fewer traces on the infected systems.
  • Adopts anti-analysis tactics to hinder reverse engineering efforts.


  • Gathers sensitive information that could be used for political or military advantage.
  • Can potentially disrupt critical operations and infrastructure, causing economic or strategic damage.

Defensive Recommendations:

  • Strengthen email security with robust filtering and anti-phishing technologies.
  • Regularly train employees to recognize and respond to social engineering and phishing attempts.
  • Implement advanced intrusion detection and response systems to identify and mitigate sophisticated threats.
  • Keep all software and systems up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.
  • Use comprehensive endpoint protection solutions to monitor for and respond to suspicious activities.

Current Status: Active and under continuous monitoring. Organizations, especially those with potential strategic value to North Korea, are advised to remain vigilant and adopt proactive cybersecurity measures.

Rebound Hermit exemplifies the evolving nature of state-sponsored cyber threats, particularly those emanating from actors aligned with North Korean interests. The group's focus on espionage and potential for disruptive activities necessitates a strong and adaptive cybersecurity posture for potential targets.

Rebound Hermit, known for its sophisticated cyber operations likely originating from North Korea, employs various tactics and techniques that can be mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. Here are some of the key techniques associated with Rebound Hermit:

  1. Phishing (T1566): Utilizing phishing emails to gain initial access to target networks or systems.
  2. Social Engineering (T1598): Employing deceptive methods to manipulate individuals into revealing confidential information or performing certain actions.
  3. Scripting (T1064): Using scripts to automate tasks and execute malicious activities.
  4. Defense Evasion (T1027, T1070, T1562): Implementing advanced encryption, obfuscation, and anti-analysis techniques to avoid detection and hinder forensic investigation.
  5. Credential Access (T1003): Attempting to obtain user credentials, such as passwords and tokens, to facilitate lateral movement and maintain access.
  6. Lateral Movement (T lateral_movement): Moving within a network after gaining access to expand control over other systems and increase the impact of the attack.
  7. Data Exfiltration (T1041): Transferring sensitive data from the compromised network to a controlled external location.
  8. Command and Control (T1071, T1090, T1132): Establishing communication channels to control compromised systems and exfiltrate data.
  9. Fileless Malware (T1055, T1218): Executing malicious code directly in memory or using trusted system tools to evade traditional file-based detection methods.
  10. Discovery (T1082, T1083, T1057): Gathering information about the victim's environment to understand the network and identify valuable targets for exfiltration or further exploitation.

These techniques underscore Rebound Hermit's capability for conducting espionage and potentially disruptive cyber operations, highlighting the need for targeted defenses and heightened awareness among potential targets.
