
Profile of Vidar Infostealer: The Cunning Scourge of the Digital Seas

Name: Vidar Infostealer

Type: Information Stealer Malware

Captain's Notes: Vidar Infostealer, much like a stealthy pirate lurking in the misty digital seas, poses a formidable threat to unsuspecting vessels navigating the vast online world. This malicious entity, shrouded in cunning and deceit, specializes in pilfering valuable information from its targets, leaving chaos and distrust in its wake. As captains of our digital ships, we must understand this adversary's tactics and fortify our defenses accordingly to safeguard our precious cargo – our data.

Primary Objective: Information Theft and Financial Gain

Known Targets: Users' sensitive information, including personal data, financial details, browser history, and more. Often targets systems through social engineering tactics, exploiting human vulnerabilities.

Architecture Compatibility: Demonstrates adaptability to various operating systems, leveraging its deceptive nature to infiltrate a range of digital environments.

Notable Characteristics:

  • Sophisticated Data Harvesting: Vidar is designed to stealthily extract a wealth of information, including login credentials, financial data, and browsing history.
  • Automated Customization: It can be customized to target specific information based on the attacker's preferences, making it a versatile tool in the hands of cyber pirates.
  • Rapid Execution: Vidar operates swiftly, minimizing its detection window and maximizing the amount of data stolen in a short time frame.

Tactical Approach:

  • Deceptive Delivery: Often delivered through phishing campaigns or bundled with seemingly legitimate software, Vidar deceives its targets into unwittingly granting access.
  • Stealthy Operation: Once deployed, Vidar works in the background, quietly gathering and transmitting data without alerting the user or system defenses.

Associated Threat Actors: While the specific culprits wielding Vidar vary, they often include organized cybercrime groups seeking financial profit or large-scale data theft.

Pirate's Guidance:

  • Bolster Defenses: Strengthen endpoint security with updated anti-malware solutions capable of detecting and neutralizing sophisticated threats like Vidar.
  • Vigilant Watch: Regularly monitor network activity for unusual data transmissions or signs of infiltration.
  • Educate the Crew: Raise awareness among all users about the dangers of phishing and the importance of scrutinizing downloads and email attachments.
  • Prepare for Boarding: Develop and maintain an incident response strategy to quickly address any breaches and mitigate the damage caused by information theft.

Current Status: Vidar Infostealer remains a significant threat in the cyber world, constantly evolving to elude detection and capture. Its ability to discreetly amass sensitive data makes it a prized tool among modern digital pirates.

Associated MITRE ATT&CK Techniques:

  1. T1566 - Phishing: Utilizes phishing tactics for initial infiltration.
  2. T1056 - Input Capture: Captures user input data, including keystrokes and form submissions.
  3. T1113 - Screen Capture: Capable of taking screenshots to capture information displayed on the user’s screen.
  4. T1505 - Server Software Component: May exploit server software vulnerabilities for initial access or propagation.
  5. T1071 - Application Layer Protocol: Uses standard protocols for exfiltrating data discreetly.
  6. T1083 - File and Directory Discovery: Searches for specific file types and directories to locate valuable data.
  7. T1555 - Credentials from Password Stores: Extracts credentials from various password storage facilities.
  8. T1012 - Query Registry: Accesses system registry to gather configuration data and potential credentials.
  9. T1041 - Exfiltration Over C2 Channel: Transmits stolen data to a command and control server for retrieval by attackers.
